B. Application and scope
This guideline has been prepared by gif competence group real estate data exchange. It sets out a procedure for the exchange of data between individual service-providers in the real estate sector, which gif considers to be correct. This guideline expressly makes no claim to be complete. Proposed amendments may be sent to the following address: ak-datenaustausch@gif-ev.de.
The guideline is divided into the following general sections 1 Sender-Empfänger-Modell nach gif, and 2 Datenaustausch in der Immobilienwirtschaft. Section 3 Prozessspezifische Importrichtlinien sets out the specific data exchange requirements for each process. Section 4 gif-IDA Austauschformat describes the exchange format according to gif-IDA. The annexes include tables with the stored list of attributes, and the template for creating a contract for exchanging data. Depending on the process to be supported, general sections 1, 2, and 4 and the respective process-specific subsection 3 are to be used as a whole. Any deviation from the requirements of this guideline must be clarified directly with reference to the gif-IDA guideline in the text as well as by incorporating notes and disclosures. Reference to the guideline without indicating any deviations from the existing guidelines is to be avoided. Any deviation from the guideline entails the risk of ineffectiveness, particularly as a result of a lack of transparency.
The guideline has been drawn up in English and German, with a view to linking up with other international standards on the exchange of real estate-related data. The German version takes precedence.